Wednesday, 29 September 2010


1. Wide depth of field-everything in focus F-22 shutter speed 3"

2. Narrow depth  of field-just a fragment of the scene is in focus F 5.6 shutter speed 1/5

3. Fast shutter speed- freeze something moving using a quick shutter 1/100 F 3.5

4 Slow shutter speed 1/2.5 F5.6

During this task I funded very difficult to get the right settings to create a good images because of the light. Even if that was a morning I was struggling with poor light conditions and because I still don't know haw to appropriate use the light results is not very stunning, but I tried my best.
My favorite perhaps is Nr 2 narrow depth of field, which I find very simple, but nice.

Homework Nr.0 Light Task

I need to create several i images of the day. The image must be of the same object. building or some other place, but different times of the day: morning, around midday, late afternoon an at night.

This homework is still in progress.


My name is Kristine Melnikova...on September this year I started CITY AND GUILDS PHOTOGRAPHY Level 1 course in Burton College.

I choose a unit INTRODUCTION TO CLOSE-UP IMAGE CAPTURE,where I will learn to basics of photo image capture using close-up techniques.

There are two outcomes to this unit. I will need to be able to:
- prepere and use camera to capture close-up images
- produce close-up images

Assignment Aims
Assignment will provide me the opportunity to show evidence of camera skills in recording images.
I have to produce a minimum 6 images relevant to the theme.

Task 1a) Produce a folio of images
 A thematic approach must be applied and the set of images must be related within the theme. Each image must also stand on its own credits. Images can be provided in any form of media which must be agreed with the tutor/assessor prior to the task.
Produce a minimum of 6 thematic images of my choice using close-up techniques, for example:
• technical/record 
• natural history
• abstract.

Task 1b) Supporting evidence for folio of images
Provide a written account for the folio of images which includes:
• the preparation undertaken
• how the equipment was used to capture and process images
• the image quality checks that were carried out
• how the final images relate to the theme

As well as working with images, produce, analyze and outputting images for viewing I have to do lots of research relevant to the theme, which includes examples of recommended and personally chosen artists that inspires me.
I have to research work of a minimum 10 photographers, providing evidence of my work together with photographs and written account.
Working thru to my blog I will hope to meet the assessment standards, working with pleasure and complete my work on time.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


This is one of my first pictures taken by my new camera Nikon was set on auto, so not much I done to create it, but consider that I just start to learn its forgivable and I really like this one. I hoping that for future I will improve my skills and will create something much better, but for now I would like to start my blog with this "Morning Sunrise" as a beginning of my studies.